Unexpected Twist in Maserati MC20 Folgore's Fate: Project Canceled
Maserati, known for its commitment to innovation and quality, has decided to cancel the development of the fully electric version of its sports car, the MC20, named Folgore. This decision came as a surprise to many brand enthusiasts and the industry as a whole. Expectations for the MC20 Folgore were high, as Maserati had outlined an ambitious plan to transition to electric technologies.
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Maserati MC20 Sets Speed Record with Autonomous Driving
Maserati has taken a significant step forward in autonomous driving with its MC20 sports car setting a new speed record for vehicles equipped with self-driving systems. The car covered a distance of two kilometers at the Imola racetrack in Italy, achieving an average speed of over 105.8 kilometers per hour, marking a remarkable achievement for modern technology. This event was part of a large-scale presentation showcasing the vehicle's ability to operate independently without driver intervention. The autonomous driving system utilized new software developments and sensory equipment that the MC20 is equipped with.
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